Bitcoin Citadel, Parchal Algarve
Updates of this build, progress and adoption will be shared here.
Please sign up for blockchainhouseportugal updates at the bottom.
BitcoinHousePortugal has grown to understand enough about blockchain to give BSV and Dr. Craig S. Wright their duly respected place. In this spirit of Bitcoin generosity we are implementing a page for friends of blockchainhouseportugal, This will be our relationship page with BSV powered DAPPS. As we build our BSV Incubator Citadel.
Updates of this build, progress and adoption will be shared here. Please sign up for blockchainhouseportugal updates at the top.
This project has been funded by myself, it is taking some time to build this project, but as the industry changes we are trying to represent it properly.
Grateful of the support,
Thank you.
Contribute to the support of this project by sending your contributions to the Paymail address $cybotcam.
Your help, no matter the amount, is sincerely appreciated, and we are grateful in advance for your support.
BSV KEY: 1MycwPvkfGJdv5RFBC7jgDicZJdNrm89aL